Having a fixed IP
address on a data SIM may sound boring, but some of our customers have come up
with some really cool applications. For example:

3. Vehicle mounted 3G/4G routers provide for
internet connectivity on the move. The fixed IP address adds the capability of
accessing applications and resources located elsewhere even where they are
protected behind a firewall, for example, back at the office. A good example of
this is a customer who has a fleet of vans that service an area and sell
products with a credit card payment on the spot and a link back to stock
control. When the van returns to base all of the stock sold is replenished
ready for the next day. Mobile libraries use the same approach using the fixed
IP to access the administration systems back at HQ.
4. 4. When broadband breaks down for any reason, businesses
can be crippled if they rely on the internet to do business. One of our
customers has 680 stores that need the internet to accept payment by card and
on any one day, there can be 10-20 locations with no internet, sometimes for
minutes, sometimes for days. There are routers that support both fixed line and
3G/4G that will automatically sense a broadband fault and fail over to the fixed
IP SIM and business continues as normal.
5. 5. Bonding multiple SIMs
is now possible and delivers much higher internet speeds than a single SIM can
support. This is ideal for where there is a need for a high capacity connection
to support multiple users or high demand applications such as CAD engineering
tools or video streaming. Bonding systems can be installed very quickly to
temporary sites such as construction sites or project offices either as table
top devices or built into a transport case for rapid deployment.
6. If slow broadband speeds are causing frustration
and holding back the business, the bonding solution can add 3G or 4G to the
fixed line internet to boost the speeds by combining the throughput of multiple
connections. Some customers bond multiple broadband lines to achieve the speeds
they need where there is no mobile coverage.
7. Pop up shops and kiosks are often used at events
or for specific promotions. With a fixed IP SIM and router these kiosks can be
treated exactly the same as any remote office or retail shop. All you need is a
power supply for the router – some routers can also run off a 12 volt power
supply removing the need for a standard power socket. The most unusual example
we have come across is a converted fire engine kitted out as a mobile pub!
8. 8. The craziest fixed IP application to date is a 3G
router on a boat off the west coast of Scotland that provides a service for
cleaning fish farms. The sea water is analysed on board and software in a data
centre in Norway determines what treatment is required so that only the
relevant pesticides or chemicals are used saving money and reducing any
pollution risks. We never saw that one coming.
If any readers have other good examples of innovative uses
for 3G and 4G, we would love to hear from you at info@anvilmobile.com or on twitter with
the #3Genius